Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New Series Coming Up

Yep yep, all new series coming up. Hope you all enjoy it.

Series Info
Name: Super Hippy Jay Ho
Genre: Action / Comedy
Release Date: 3/2/07
Summary: Before being an evil villain in the Jack London series, Jay Ho was a super hero who stopped those who harmed nature. His love with nature made him feel it was his duty to save the natural world.

Monday, February 26, 2007

New sequel coming up.

We are currently writing a sequel to our last story. The sequel will be called White Badger. It will probably not be published until this weekend since this is usually the time we write our stories. We may or may not used vocabulary words. Tell one of us if you would like to star in the sequel. :]

The Jack London Series - Book 1: The Call of Puberty

The Jack London Series
The Call of Puberty ------------------ Book 1
Authors: Eugenia, Steven and Bryan
Editor: Jennifer
This story was created using vocabulary words from The Call of the Wild by Jack London.

Steven wheedlingly asked Jen out. They danced to a weird cadence. But Jen didn't like him, so he was disconsolate. But Jen didn't want to leave him, so she used him as a draft animal. But Steven was useless so he was gaunt. Steven decided Jen was malignant. He was tired of being a malingerer so we won't have to work for Jen. Jen placatinly set Steven free. Steven, like Buck, found his primordial abilities and gave Jen reproof. The climes were freezing. And his love was covert. He was inexorable to the harsh feelings he had inside him. Darth Vader is insidious. He followed a path of insubordination from the world and let his heart flow in his own way. He soon learned that life was a paradox. No matter how hard he tried, the inner wraith consumed his thoughts. Steven went up to Jen and averred his feelings for her. Jen was callous to harsh remarks from people. She was chaffering over Steven. She wanted Steven instead of Jay Ho's callowness. Steven's love for Jen evinced to everyone. So Steven now fraught Jen wherever she went. Steven and Jen found a dog innocuously lying on Jen's bed. It was cute and irresolutely, they kept it. But the dog started to run, so she told Steven to chase after it. An hour later, Steven was jaded and dogless. Steven was perambulating towards Jen. Jen gave a remonstrance; she wanted that dog! Jen tried rending Steven. Jen suddenly had repugnance for Steven. Her feelings roused an argument. Even though Jen was in slipshod clothes and slovenly accessorized and had superfluous hair Steven still loved her. He wanted to travel around the world with her and become wayfarers. Steven conjured a can of soda out of his overly large pants. He had caught the contagion of love, yet he knew that he would never go in the state of convalescence. His mind was going through extremity from the suffering that came upon him. This suffering was called puberty. Puberty was peremptorily awful for Steven. While his friend developed deeper voices, his stayed unnaturally high. "I want my hormones, I want my hormones, I want them now, I want my hormones," Steven said to himself. His mind was plethoric of these thoughts. Not screwing up in front of girls required all of Steven’s wiliness. Yet to ruin up Steven’s already dying relationship, Jay Ho set up an ambuscade at the park with a gang of badger badger badgers. The badgers ambushed Jen and belied to her. They told her Steven liked Caro with certitude. They continued on with the lies without cessation. Jay Ho threw a chaff grenade at Jen. Meanwhile, Steven was commingled ingredients to make chow mein, but when he dropped it into the wok, he came up with an end result similar to one of Grandma's fruitcakes. As he walked outside, disappointed of his terrible culinary skills, a little puppy came out of the excrescence of his unmowed front lawn. The small puppy walked up to Steven, showing no imperiousness, and ate his "fruitcake." Steven led the puppies to Jen and they obliterated the multitudinous badgers with their anti-Byakuya missiles.
The End

Blog is up.

Steven and I will use this to post our stories. These aren't exactly professional stories, but they're still fun to read. (PS: We might even star you in one of our novels :))