Sunday, July 29, 2007

Operation Sudden Storm: Chapter 1

Be sure to read the introduction first.

Operation Sudden Storm
Chapter 1: Snowbound

"Data Log #4:
Jose Ramirez
July 12, 2303


"Sergeant Wulfbane is leading us across the ice fields of the old bay. Everything seems okay. No enemy activity in sight. Just some hard weather seems to be coming in. It's just a slight breeze right now but it might act up in the morning. Everyone's in good shape and we'll be back at base after one more day of surveying. My batteries starting to freeze up."

The sun didn't show that morning. Harsh winds blew snow across their faces, leaving them with a line of sight only spanning a few feet. The gales of the blizzard beat against their chests in a constant, almost rhythmic, pattern. The usually calm ice-capped landscape was now a frozen death trap. Nothing lived out in this area. Maybe a few nomads scattered across the wasteland, but nothing more than that.

“Ramirez!” the man in the front yelled. With the howling of the wind, it was hard for them to even hear their own voices. “Where’s the nearest shelter?” He wore lightweight body armor covered with a thick jacket made to protect against only light winds. The wind seemed to tear right through his clothing, leaving him not even the slightest bit warm.

“My navigation equipment's dead sir!” After he had spoken, no more dialogue could be comprehendible. All of their voices were muffled and any attempt of radio equipment to transmit commands would immediately fail. With the storm gaining strength, the rules of the land were changed: Find shelter, or lose your life. It was in the old manual ­-the one that Mikkle Wulfbane studied hard from to prepare for his missions.

This was just another one. A routine sweep of the southern bank was executed once every month. Just to check if any enemy activity was present. It never seemed like any grueling training would be needed for such a mission. He remembered those days when he would work so hard each day. Every morning cadets would be woken up long before sunrise. Intense training missions and other exercises would soon follow. Exercising side by side with his comrades seemed to finally show their purpose now.

Mikkle felt a sudden jolt on his back. It was Ramirez. Unsure about what he meant, he stood there dumbfounded and shouting himself. He seemed to be mouthing words and pointing off into the distance. Turning to see what he was trying to signal, he caught a glimpse of a small knoll up ahead. But it wasn’t a knoll, it was a cave. A cave. That meant shelter. A shelter. That meant safety.

As Mikkle rushed forward to reach the group, he stumbled in the snow. Attempting to pull him back up, Ramirez felt the ground cracking beneath him. The same expression was shared by everyone. The whole squad pulled Mikkle up and ran away from the area. The area they were surveying used to be the location of a large gulf. Now the top was frozen but every now and then, a piece would give way.

Giant chunks of snow and ice gave way underneath them. Wasting out most of their energy, the group prayed that they would make it out of the breaking ice field. As the breaking subsided, they found themselves panting on the floor with their hearts throbbing with incredible speed.

As Mikkle stood up, trying to figure out where they were, he noticed that with the gales still blowing at full strength, finding shelter would not be easy. Ramirez stood up trying to locate the cave that he saw earlier. It was no where in sight. Another soldier named Peter Gaoheimer Schmidt stood up beside his comrade, aiding him in his search.

With all sense of direction lost, Mikkle started trekking through the snow. The rest of his squad followed him. With the wind blowing against them, every step drained twice as much energy as it normally would. With the team exhausted, they had to do something, and fast.

“This storms going to kill us all if we don’t get out of it soon,” a pessimistic Gauheimer cried. “We have to make our own shelter or the storm will make something out of us.”

Mikkle, turning back to see his crew, squatted down into the snow. Using his rifle, he began digging a hole in the ground. The rest of the group, not knowing how making a shelter right in the ground would help, followed anyways. After a few minutes of digging they finally had what would be a substantial shelter. Mikkle finished adding up more windbreakers on the top edges of the giant hole and sat down.

“We have to start making more progress through this storm. Ramirez, you’re coming with me.” Ramirez looked up at him with a dazed look on his face. As he jumped out of their makeshift shelter, Ramirez only started in trying to get up.

Mikkle headed into the distance scouting ahead for any resources that could come in handy. Ramirez quickly followed before he would disappear out of view. The wind seemed to subside over time but wasn’t nonexistent. After about half an hour of scouting, they finally saw something. "Look," Jose said as he pointed at a chunk of metal protruding from the ground." It seems to be a bunker." Mikkle called the rest of his team over using his SATCOM device and they excavated the entrance of the bunker. After carefully advancing through the bunker, they found it completely empty except for a suspicious looking data disc. "I'll bring this disc back to headquarters to analyze as soon as this blizzard is over," Mikkle told his team.

All of a sudden, there was a gunshot outside. More followed in burst fire fashion and sounded against the metal walls of the bunker. They started to move toward the bunker. As Mikkle's team rushed to defend the bunker, Mikkle looked outside. "Cadanian Seal Clubbers! They probably followed us when we were navigating through the storm," he yelled to his team as they returned fire. The Clubbers managed to make it to the bunker. Knocking Mikkle’s troop with brute force, they spotted the data disk. Adrenaline rushed through Mikkle’s body and his heart beat raced at an incredible speed.

Peter got up onto his knees and ran toward the fleeing Clubbers. Attempting to shoot down the one that was holding the disk, he switched to burst fire mode on his AXL-504 Anti-Personnel Assault Rifle. Seeing that Peter’s efforts were failing, Mikkle quickly stood up and pulled out a frozen banana. He dashed toward the Clubbers with amazing speed and leaped on the back of the one who held the disk, attacking him viciously on the head with the frozen banana. Peter began shooting the other Clubbers who were attacking Mikkle. After successfully putting the Clubber into submission, he took out industrial-strength whale-made fiber wire that he brought with him from headquarters.

“There’s something on this disk. We have to get it back to headquarters.” Mikkle looked up at Peter. “Get to the other troops and get them ready to move. We’re getting out of this wasteland."

Friday, July 27, 2007

New Series Coming Soon

Sorry for the long period of inactivity. Yes, again. Fortunately, Bryan and I have conjured up a new series. With this announcement I also present to you the introduction to the series. Enjoy :]

Series Info
Name: Operation Sudden Storm
Genre: Science Fiction Action Comedy
Summary: A group of combat specialists ban together to stop a menacing organization from their brutal rituals.
† All information is subject to change.

And now Creative Accounting is proud to present the introduction of Operation Sudden Storm.

"Entry Number 32 - V. v. Gustaf Files"

Location: Western Bank of Old New York
Date: July 12, 2293

“The Eternal Cooldown.” That’s what they called it. Ever since the Final War ended, all traces of global dominance were gone. After all our fuel sources ran out and we drained what was left of the world out, nothing was there anymore. Barren. Dead. And then slowly the world started going into a deep freeze. The cause of it was never known, maybe a drift of the planet out of the habitable zone or a breach into the Earth’s molten core after a last ditch effort of getting energy. Who knows. But all is lost now.

Only the Cadanians, the ones who didn’t engage in the War, survived. They figured out that there was a great heat source in the core of baby seals. In order to survive, they tapped into their core by undergoing the barbaric ritual of seal clubbing. As they started to populate the rest of the world, they established the Cadanian Seal Clubbers Corporation.

I am Vladamir von Gustaf. I was sent by the Corporation to survey the Western Half to see if the rumors of the so-called rebellions, the Water and Land Enhanced Combat Specialists (or WALEs), are true. The WALE Teams are composed of both various species of whales and humans. Ever since the year 2000 A.D. whales have been rapidly evolving into sentient species capable of human speech and are widely considered equal to humans. I am to record activity of the CSCC and the WALEs, if they are real. Hopefully I make it through the Western Bank. I see a storm approaching in the east. Let the best come ahead.

- Vladamir von Gustaf

Monday, March 5, 2007

Continuation of the Super Hippy Jay Ho series

Currently, it seems like we're going to be doing one chapter a week for the Super Hippy Jay Ho series. Chapter 2 of book 1 should be coming out this weekend. :)
In addition to this, White Badger probably will be delayed or canceled.

Friday, March 2, 2007

The Super Hippy Jay Ho Series - Book 1: The Revelation. Chapter 1: Captured.

The Super Hippy Jay Ho Series
Capture ------------------ Book 1
Author: Steven
Bryanizer: Bryan

The night was still. A shroud of darkness covered the city with only a few flying whales dotting the sky. Only occasionally would a car pass by. Jay looked out of the window of a twenty-four hour diner. He saw nothing. Nothing. Nothing at all. He looked up at the ticking Pikachu clock overhead. Three-thirty, it showed on the yellow plastic hands. He took a few more sips of coffee. Everything seemed so quiet in contrast of his business-filled life. The world wasn't free anymore. His whole freedom was constricted by the world of business. He wanted freedom. He wanted to be the ruler of his own self. He was tired of being held back, unable to do what he wanted, to be the person he really was.
Yet Jay knew it would be impossible. He knew that there would be no way to do it without losing his dignity. He drank the rest of his coffee and paid the bill. He grabbed his briefcase and walked outside. A good rest would hit me back to my senses, he thought to himself . But when he woke up, he'd still be caught back into the ever churning river of life. He gave up and walked back to
his apartment. As he opened the apartment door, someone gave him a hard blow to the back of the head and knocked him out.

He slowly opened his eyes. The view was blurry, but he could see tattered wallpaper. The room was empty with just a bed and a door. As he slowly stood up and opened the door, he was hit with a blast of noise. “Where am I?” he said to himself as his eyes gradually took in the scene. After thorough analysis, he came to one conclusion; he was at a gay bar. “Oh Em Gee, the horror,” Jay Ho cried out as the terrifying truth was revealed to him. He ran around frantically trying to find an exit. “It’s no use,” said Denis-zombie, who was wearing a giant Subway sandwich suit as he watched Jay Ho’s vain escape attempts, “This place has no exit, the only possible ending to your scenario is to be eaten alive by me.” The undead man bellowed out a sinister laugh.
Jay looked around the room and saw a crowbar on the gr
ound. He quickly picked it up, but a zombie flesh eating midget came out of the ground. Denis had summoned it using his zombie skills, which were enhanced by a week on the subway diet. Jay whacked the little midget with the rusted crowbar. The midget took the crowbar from Jay Ho, flicked him off and whacked Jay Ho with his own crowbar. Thousands of other midgets leaped out from behind. He was slowly becoming overrun by the midgets. "Can I eat him?" a midget asked Denis.
“No! The man lives,” Denis commanded. “He is mine to toy with in a homosexual fashion." A tense feeling grew within Jay. He panicked as more and more little minions filled the room. Their glowing red eyes seemed to give the room an eerie luminescence. He dug down into his pocket in search of something he could use. All he could find was a lighter, his keys, and a wallet. Jay frantically pulled out the lighter and set one of the zombies on fire. The minion shriveled up and left a scent that smelled somewhat like barbecue chips.
“Step back! All of you!” Jay waved the lighter back and fo
rth, warding off the little zombies. Their eyes turned away from the fire, and ran behind the man in the subway suit.
“Foolish little man,” Denis bellowed. “You forget who this domain belongs to!”
Jay stood there thinking for a while. “The homosexual ma
Denis put his head down into his hands in disgrace. “Yes, the homosexual males,” he mumbled. “Just say it belongs to me to make it more dramatic.” A long pause between them made the atmosphere quite awkward, even for the little minions who soon afterwards walked out the door. “There is no escape from my labyrinth. There is no escape.” Denis backed away slowly and ran out the door. Jay looked at him as he ran down the hallway. Looking back to see if he was being pursued, he bumped into a large warm object. Falling onto his butt, Jay Ho glanced up to see a giant, pink, ridiculously fluffy bunny rabbit. The rabbit repeatedly beat Jay with its tail, nearly knocking him into unconsciousness.

The moral of this story is:
Don't mess with giant rabbits or anything remotely pink, including Jen.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New Series Coming Up

Yep yep, all new series coming up. Hope you all enjoy it.

Series Info
Name: Super Hippy Jay Ho
Genre: Action / Comedy
Release Date: 3/2/07
Summary: Before being an evil villain in the Jack London series, Jay Ho was a super hero who stopped those who harmed nature. His love with nature made him feel it was his duty to save the natural world.

Monday, February 26, 2007

New sequel coming up.

We are currently writing a sequel to our last story. The sequel will be called White Badger. It will probably not be published until this weekend since this is usually the time we write our stories. We may or may not used vocabulary words. Tell one of us if you would like to star in the sequel. :]

The Jack London Series - Book 1: The Call of Puberty

The Jack London Series
The Call of Puberty ------------------ Book 1
Authors: Eugenia, Steven and Bryan
Editor: Jennifer
This story was created using vocabulary words from The Call of the Wild by Jack London.

Steven wheedlingly asked Jen out. They danced to a weird cadence. But Jen didn't like him, so he was disconsolate. But Jen didn't want to leave him, so she used him as a draft animal. But Steven was useless so he was gaunt. Steven decided Jen was malignant. He was tired of being a malingerer so we won't have to work for Jen. Jen placatinly set Steven free. Steven, like Buck, found his primordial abilities and gave Jen reproof. The climes were freezing. And his love was covert. He was inexorable to the harsh feelings he had inside him. Darth Vader is insidious. He followed a path of insubordination from the world and let his heart flow in his own way. He soon learned that life was a paradox. No matter how hard he tried, the inner wraith consumed his thoughts. Steven went up to Jen and averred his feelings for her. Jen was callous to harsh remarks from people. She was chaffering over Steven. She wanted Steven instead of Jay Ho's callowness. Steven's love for Jen evinced to everyone. So Steven now fraught Jen wherever she went. Steven and Jen found a dog innocuously lying on Jen's bed. It was cute and irresolutely, they kept it. But the dog started to run, so she told Steven to chase after it. An hour later, Steven was jaded and dogless. Steven was perambulating towards Jen. Jen gave a remonstrance; she wanted that dog! Jen tried rending Steven. Jen suddenly had repugnance for Steven. Her feelings roused an argument. Even though Jen was in slipshod clothes and slovenly accessorized and had superfluous hair Steven still loved her. He wanted to travel around the world with her and become wayfarers. Steven conjured a can of soda out of his overly large pants. He had caught the contagion of love, yet he knew that he would never go in the state of convalescence. His mind was going through extremity from the suffering that came upon him. This suffering was called puberty. Puberty was peremptorily awful for Steven. While his friend developed deeper voices, his stayed unnaturally high. "I want my hormones, I want my hormones, I want them now, I want my hormones," Steven said to himself. His mind was plethoric of these thoughts. Not screwing up in front of girls required all of Steven’s wiliness. Yet to ruin up Steven’s already dying relationship, Jay Ho set up an ambuscade at the park with a gang of badger badger badgers. The badgers ambushed Jen and belied to her. They told her Steven liked Caro with certitude. They continued on with the lies without cessation. Jay Ho threw a chaff grenade at Jen. Meanwhile, Steven was commingled ingredients to make chow mein, but when he dropped it into the wok, he came up with an end result similar to one of Grandma's fruitcakes. As he walked outside, disappointed of his terrible culinary skills, a little puppy came out of the excrescence of his unmowed front lawn. The small puppy walked up to Steven, showing no imperiousness, and ate his "fruitcake." Steven led the puppies to Jen and they obliterated the multitudinous badgers with their anti-Byakuya missiles.
The End