Friday, July 27, 2007

New Series Coming Soon

Sorry for the long period of inactivity. Yes, again. Fortunately, Bryan and I have conjured up a new series. With this announcement I also present to you the introduction to the series. Enjoy :]

Series Info
Name: Operation Sudden Storm
Genre: Science Fiction Action Comedy
Summary: A group of combat specialists ban together to stop a menacing organization from their brutal rituals.
† All information is subject to change.

And now Creative Accounting is proud to present the introduction of Operation Sudden Storm.

"Entry Number 32 - V. v. Gustaf Files"

Location: Western Bank of Old New York
Date: July 12, 2293

“The Eternal Cooldown.” That’s what they called it. Ever since the Final War ended, all traces of global dominance were gone. After all our fuel sources ran out and we drained what was left of the world out, nothing was there anymore. Barren. Dead. And then slowly the world started going into a deep freeze. The cause of it was never known, maybe a drift of the planet out of the habitable zone or a breach into the Earth’s molten core after a last ditch effort of getting energy. Who knows. But all is lost now.

Only the Cadanians, the ones who didn’t engage in the War, survived. They figured out that there was a great heat source in the core of baby seals. In order to survive, they tapped into their core by undergoing the barbaric ritual of seal clubbing. As they started to populate the rest of the world, they established the Cadanian Seal Clubbers Corporation.

I am Vladamir von Gustaf. I was sent by the Corporation to survey the Western Half to see if the rumors of the so-called rebellions, the Water and Land Enhanced Combat Specialists (or WALEs), are true. The WALE Teams are composed of both various species of whales and humans. Ever since the year 2000 A.D. whales have been rapidly evolving into sentient species capable of human speech and are widely considered equal to humans. I am to record activity of the CSCC and the WALEs, if they are real. Hopefully I make it through the Western Bank. I see a storm approaching in the east. Let the best come ahead.

- Vladamir von Gustaf

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