Friday, March 2, 2007

The Super Hippy Jay Ho Series - Book 1: The Revelation. Chapter 1: Captured.

The Super Hippy Jay Ho Series
Capture ------------------ Book 1
Author: Steven
Bryanizer: Bryan

The night was still. A shroud of darkness covered the city with only a few flying whales dotting the sky. Only occasionally would a car pass by. Jay looked out of the window of a twenty-four hour diner. He saw nothing. Nothing. Nothing at all. He looked up at the ticking Pikachu clock overhead. Three-thirty, it showed on the yellow plastic hands. He took a few more sips of coffee. Everything seemed so quiet in contrast of his business-filled life. The world wasn't free anymore. His whole freedom was constricted by the world of business. He wanted freedom. He wanted to be the ruler of his own self. He was tired of being held back, unable to do what he wanted, to be the person he really was.
Yet Jay knew it would be impossible. He knew that there would be no way to do it without losing his dignity. He drank the rest of his coffee and paid the bill. He grabbed his briefcase and walked outside. A good rest would hit me back to my senses, he thought to himself . But when he woke up, he'd still be caught back into the ever churning river of life. He gave up and walked back to
his apartment. As he opened the apartment door, someone gave him a hard blow to the back of the head and knocked him out.

He slowly opened his eyes. The view was blurry, but he could see tattered wallpaper. The room was empty with just a bed and a door. As he slowly stood up and opened the door, he was hit with a blast of noise. “Where am I?” he said to himself as his eyes gradually took in the scene. After thorough analysis, he came to one conclusion; he was at a gay bar. “Oh Em Gee, the horror,” Jay Ho cried out as the terrifying truth was revealed to him. He ran around frantically trying to find an exit. “It’s no use,” said Denis-zombie, who was wearing a giant Subway sandwich suit as he watched Jay Ho’s vain escape attempts, “This place has no exit, the only possible ending to your scenario is to be eaten alive by me.” The undead man bellowed out a sinister laugh.
Jay looked around the room and saw a crowbar on the gr
ound. He quickly picked it up, but a zombie flesh eating midget came out of the ground. Denis had summoned it using his zombie skills, which were enhanced by a week on the subway diet. Jay whacked the little midget with the rusted crowbar. The midget took the crowbar from Jay Ho, flicked him off and whacked Jay Ho with his own crowbar. Thousands of other midgets leaped out from behind. He was slowly becoming overrun by the midgets. "Can I eat him?" a midget asked Denis.
“No! The man lives,” Denis commanded. “He is mine to toy with in a homosexual fashion." A tense feeling grew within Jay. He panicked as more and more little minions filled the room. Their glowing red eyes seemed to give the room an eerie luminescence. He dug down into his pocket in search of something he could use. All he could find was a lighter, his keys, and a wallet. Jay frantically pulled out the lighter and set one of the zombies on fire. The minion shriveled up and left a scent that smelled somewhat like barbecue chips.
“Step back! All of you!” Jay waved the lighter back and fo
rth, warding off the little zombies. Their eyes turned away from the fire, and ran behind the man in the subway suit.
“Foolish little man,” Denis bellowed. “You forget who this domain belongs to!”
Jay stood there thinking for a while. “The homosexual ma
Denis put his head down into his hands in disgrace. “Yes, the homosexual males,” he mumbled. “Just say it belongs to me to make it more dramatic.” A long pause between them made the atmosphere quite awkward, even for the little minions who soon afterwards walked out the door. “There is no escape from my labyrinth. There is no escape.” Denis backed away slowly and ran out the door. Jay looked at him as he ran down the hallway. Looking back to see if he was being pursued, he bumped into a large warm object. Falling onto his butt, Jay Ho glanced up to see a giant, pink, ridiculously fluffy bunny rabbit. The rabbit repeatedly beat Jay with its tail, nearly knocking him into unconsciousness.

The moral of this story is:
Don't mess with giant rabbits or anything remotely pink, including Jen.


Anonymous said...

rofl i'm remotely pink?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

rofl wow thats awesome i wanna read the second part!! xD
-adrienne! :D